Thursday, August 14, 2014

Airline Disaster Averted                                    Jet Airways pilot dozes while flying from Brussels to Ankara. Aircraft loses 5000 ft.altitude and pilot woke up after receiving alert from Ankara ATC ! What was the co-pilot doing when pilot was dozing. She reiterated that while the plane was losing altitude she was looking for her tablet – not the conventional pill but the electronic variety. Both pilot and co=pilot have been grounded and suspended and an inquiry will be conducted by DGCA. Once the episode is erased from public memory DGCA(Director General of Civil Aviation)will hush up the inquiry and the daring duo will be up and flying imperiling lives of passengers once again.



  1. Wild asses are who fly- you, I and the rest. And ass has a short memory and little comprehension

  2. I just took a short, non-stop flight to and from Los Angeles that lasted just under 3 hours. I could not have trusted flying any longer or further Still I guess as much could happen in a short time. It is becoming more and more frightening to trust our flight crews.

  3. I wouldn't feel safe flying in that plane

  4. There's a reason why there are 2 pilots manning the plane, but when both grow inattentive in the cockpit, they deserve more than mere censure for recklessly putting the lives of their passengers at risk. It makes me mad. I've flown Jet twice. Now I'd think again flying with them.

  5. When the co-pilot is a woman do you still use the term "manning"? Or should it be wo-manning or female-ing? Either way this incident makes a case for banning "Tablets" and similar smart devices in the cock pit !
    And incidentally do you know why the place where the pilot and co-pilot co-exist is called a cock pit :)

  6. "Manning". I think the term is still valid regardless of sex. Haha. I think it's like using the word "Man" - as in "Man is a rational creature; Animals aren't." Surely this doesn't limit to the male species only. If tablets are worth banning in the cockpit, then so are all objects that would compete with the attention of the pilots. There are plenty to mention: books, photographs, cellular phones, delicious food, etc. As for the "cock pit", I'd rather not get into the semantics of this compound term. Lest I end up discussing something naughty. Haha


Puri Reunion - Finale