Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Theosophical Society-Madras

The Theosophical Society was founded on 17 November 1875 by Madame Blavatsky and Colonel Olcott. The founders travelled extensively in India & Ceylon. They established the Spiritual Centre at Adyar,Madras(Chennai). Mrs.Annie Besant played a pivotal role in the vigorous and steady growth of the Society. She gave a great lead in making Theosophy practical, urging members to theosophize the various fields: religious, social, economic, political. For this purpose she instituted the Theosophical Order of Service, and the Sons of India, 1908. The Headquarters at Adyar were enlarged by the purchase of Blavatsky and Olcott Gardens. During a recent visit to Chennai we took a walk around the beautiful campus of the Society spread over several acres. Some of the pictures taken on this tour are presented below:
The Temple of Light - foundation stone laid in 1920 by Annie Besant and consecrated in 1925 by J.Krishnamurthy.
Closeup of the The Temple of Light sanctum
Another View of the Temple The sprawling campus of the Theosophical Society Cactii
The glorious stone archway to the Banyan Cluster
Another Amazing Banyan Cluster (The biggest one in Asia is in Bangalore!) This one measures 250 ft by 238 ft and the total area measuring 59,500 sq.ft. it has been the centre of many notable gatherings of the Theosophical Society.
The beautiful Church inside the Society
Entrance to the Zoroastrian Temple - two majestic lions
The Zoroastrian Temple A grand old tree stump Butterflies helping themselves to delicious nectar


  1. yes!!! Indeed its a beautiful escapade :P and I am planning to go there soon :)am not able to see the pics :O

  2. Sowmi
    You logged in before I posted the Pics ! Seee them now.

  3. Yep :) beautiful pics sir :) Loved em all :) sooper :)

  4. The highlight for me is The Temple of Light. What utter magnificence.

  5. Beautiful Place & Pics :)Really Loved It A Lot :) Thanks A Lot For Sharing :)

  6. Wonderful, gorgeous pictures from fantastic places! This time of last year I was in India! It a was a great experiense by all means!

  7. Wonderful snaps. I had no idea this campus is home for several beautiful structures.

  8. Is truly a wonderful place.
    Thanks for the series of beautiful photographs.

  9. The Temple's in your country are always BEAUTIFUL :)
    All shots are fantastic today,
    thanks for sharing !!

  10. Hi Ram!
    Ramblingss and Musings is an excellent blog and a wonderful place to learn something more about Kerala and India! Wonderful pictures, interesrting text, a MUST! Thnks for your comments at Blogtrotter and for drawing my attention to your blog!Great job!

  11. Very interesting tour of the Temple of Light. It's a beautiful building . I love the banyan clusters, too.

  12. Really pics liked the cactus pic very much

  13. Very beautiful pictures.I liked the description and specially the banyan trees and the cactus pictures.You are a very good photographer.Keep writing.If time permits visit my other blogs also-

  14. awesome pics. I envy you and hope to see those places sooome day!!

  15. I love TS. Been there, loved it...
    The banyan cluster is good, there is a similar one in Kalakshetra too.. The scene looks great when dance class happens below it in Kalakshetra...
    But your shot of the butterflies is amazing... 3 butterflies in one frame... Amazing... Fantastic...

  16. Lovely pics of the Temple Of Light.
    And some juicy nectar for 3 butterflies to gather :)

  17. Ram, what a fine and interesting set of images. I've enjoyed very much all of them. The Theosophical Society is in a really splendid place. I'd like so much to visit in person this environment. Thanks for sharing!

  18. Amazing views of ornate, Indian architecture and exotic vegetation. I love the virtual tourism we get with this blog.

  19. What a great place, love the buildings and that banyan cluster is something else. It's a whole different world with you and I've enjoyed seeing it.

    Thanks for visiting me and your kind comments.

  20. Absolutely amazing! I don't know much about theosophy, and hadn't realized where it originated.

    Wonderful photos and an incredible place!

  21. Delightful tour complete with fascinating sculptures and plants and butterflies!

  22. Sweet. I love Pynchon's references to the T.S. in Against the Day and Gravity's Rainbow. Nice to know it's "real" too!

  23. What a beautiful place! I love the different buildings, and it is fascinating to see the plants also, and the butterflies.

  24. Fantastic images!
    Have a nice weekend!

  25. Hi Ram, first of all thanks for visiting my blog and for your lovely words! I love cooking, experimenting if i can say....and cooking the most complicated recipe or dish is my passion!!! When i started this blog 5 months bac, never even thought that i will attract so many food lovers....am really glad i did something good.

    Coming to your post, i was in chennai for a couple of yrs and was very close by this theosophical society but somehow never had a chance to visit the place.........all the pics r awesome!!!!

  26. beautiful place and a great post..thanks for the visit to my blog

  27. A great post thank you for sharing the story and beautiful pictures.

  28. Namaste.....
    I enjoyed your entry, the history and the photographs. Absolutely lovely.

  29. Thanks for the comment and for the visiting my blog .
    Very nice pictures you have here and so defferent from mine . Of course our countries are so defferent from each other . Earlier pictures from the winter time on my blogs might interest you . Lot of snow ....

  30. Hi. Thanks for visiting my blog and for the very nice comment. I hope you'll visit again.

    I love your photos they're gorgeous. I especially love the Banyan trees and beach photos. Wonderful blog.~Cindy

  31. Beautiful pictures, very interesting to see new places.
    Sunny :)

  32. I have looked at this post several times. What a nice tour. You have a good eye (and a pretty lady).

  33. @Sowmi:I am glad you liked the pics!
    @Prospero: Thanks for your appreciation
    @Creativity:thanks for ur nice comment
    @Phillip: Dhanyavad!
    @Rajesh: You must visit the TS next time in Madras
    @Amatamari: Thank u for ur kind comments
    @Anya:Yes the temples in India are great. I shall be coming out some special posts on Temples
    @GMG: Thanks for visiting & ur gracious comment.
    @Janie:Yes the Temple of Light is an attraction at the TS
    @Venky: The campus has plenty of cactii
    @Babliji: Thanks for nice comments.I shall visit ur other blogs too!
    @JD:Pl. Plan a visit to Chennai(Madras).
    @Bhoosha:Thanks for the info.I hv not visited the Kalashetra so far.Shall drop in there next time around. Reg the butterflies there are four of them - if you look more closely the fourth one is right at the back!
    @Sunshine Girl: I am glad you like the post & pics.


  34. @Pietro: Yes u must plan a visit to this wonderful place!
    @:AB:Thanks for ur nice comments
    @Gennasus: Thanks for your appreciative comments.
    @Jacob: Yes. The place is pure magic!
    @Diane AZ: Thanks. Glad u like this.
    @EcoRover: I am delighted that TS finds reference in Pynchon's writing. Where can I find this?
    @Phoenix: Yes the TS is a fascinating place.
    @Ash: Thanks. Nice weekend to u too!
    @Aruna:Thanks for ur nice comments.U must visit the TS next time you are in Chennai.
    @Lakshmi:Thank you.Please keep visiting
    @Baron's Life: Thank you for visiting & the nice comment.
    @Rhapsody: Namaste.Thank You & Dhanyavad.
    @Kyllimaarjana:Thanks for ur comments.I shall read the your other posts also.
    @Cindy: Thanks.Pl. keep visiting.
    @Sunny: Thanks for visiting.
    @MMO: Thanks
    @Leo: Thanks for the several visits to my post.Your comment has been passed on to the "pretty lady"

    Regards Ram

  35. Wow uncle!!!
    Ur comprehensive knowledge has me in awe..
    Wonderful pics.. Especially the last one with the butterflies focussed so well.. When I meet u next time, I'm gonna get some tips on photography..

  36. @Shilpa:Thanks. You are welcome anytime

  37. I love the TS too. As a student once, I actually got lost inside! My friend and I got off the path into one of the side trails and then could not find our way back to the gate, even though we could hear the traffic.

    She and I were soon giggling hysterically, as we thought it very funny to be lost so close to home!!

    Isn't the largest banyan the one In Calcutta?

  38. hello sir nice photographs i am all so kollengode


Nishe Sangeet