Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Magic of Athangudi Tiles

3 Sep'2011:Athangudi is a small village in Sivaganga District with a big reputation. Athangudi tiles, named after the place of manufacture in Chettinad, Tamil Nadu, come in myriad colors and patterns and are made by a unique process using local soil. These tiles are a testimony to the rich cultural heritage of the Chettiar community, who effectively adapted many influences to their own brand of local craftsmanship. The designs and colors used in Athangudi Tiles are still those of a bygone era. However, off late new designs and patters are being incorporated.The artisans say the charisma of these tiles is due to the sand, which is of just the right composition.
We visited one such manufacturer in Athangudi and witnessed the manufacture of these hand made tiles. The series of pictures presented below tell their own fascinating story:
1.Colors being applied on template design on mould
2.The design
3.Sand being applied
4.Cement being plastered on mould
5.Curing in a large water tank
6.Baking in the sunlight
7-9: Creation of Manual designs
10-12: Designs created manually
13-17: Designs created with template


  1. Very interesting! Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Tale of a tile - a colourful tale indeed

  3. Nice to see the process.Its amazing!these tiles are wonderful..

  4. Greetings from Athangudi palace tiles…..
    I like to introduce myself as a manufacturer of Athangudi Tiles.
    I am delighted to know your interest in Athangudi Tiles &
    I invite you to have a glance of my site.
    I am pretty sure that your search for traditional interiors
    ranging from Tiles, Pillars, Doors, Windows, decorative
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    I am a manufacturer of Athangudi Tiles,
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    pls call.9442228331,9442229331.
    211,PRG. Garden, Athangudi main road,
    Cokkalingampudur,karaikudi.TK.630101, sivagangai district ,
    Tamil nadu ,South,,
    Visit:: http/

  5. They look so beautiful! I heard in a radio programme about Chettinad houses and she mentioned about Athangudi tiles. Never expected to see them so soon. I was telling my husband about it. We could have used it in our flat if we had known about it earlier. It would have suited better to our earlier independent house! Thank you!

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