Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Jackson Hole,Wyoming

Jackson Hole, originally called Jackson's Hole, is a valley located in the US state of Wyoming, near the western border with Idaho. The name "hole" derives from language used by early trappers, who primarily entered the valley from the north and east and had to descend along relatively steep slopes, giving the sensation of entering a hole. These low-lying valleys are surrounded by mountains and contain rivers and streams, which were good habitat forbeaver and other fur-bearing animals.
The first people to settle the region were Native Americans, then fur trappers, and then homesteaders. Because the soil is not ideal for raising crops, the valley was used for cattle. Tourism quickly became popular with the establishment of dude ranches.The nearby Grand Teton andYellowstone National parks are major tourist attractions throughout all seasons of the year. Posted below are some random pictures clicked in Jackson Hole.
A Chandelier constructed from Antlers
Entrance to Hampton Inn. Other views of Hampton Inn below

Gas fired Fireplace - The fire burns 24 hours during winter
Fall colours visible on the tree lined avenue
Giant Elk statue
Central Park with entrance gate built exclusively from Elk Antlers - Elks shed their antlers every year during spring during/after mating
Central Park & Bench below
A Highway Motel - we had stopped for refuelling in the nearby gas station
Highway Views
We stayed at Hampton Inn Suites and had a wholesome breakfast. It is here that I tasted my first waffle. I have also photographed the process of waffle making. Waffle with generous quantity of honey is delicious


  1. Looks like you are enjoying your vacation. Glad you experienced your first waffle! We have them occasionally in our home.

  2. i'm glad you tried a waffle and liked it! :) my husband loves them.

    i like the moose statue and the archway made of elk antlers. really nice.

  3. There's so much to see, wow! And there's so much beauty: the weird chandelier, the elk antlers gateway, the sparsely vegetated arid landscape... I like this place. :)

  4. Enjoying....Even I liked waffle...and making that is fun too!

  5. I love waffles with lots and lots of butter! I have a waffle maker at home!

    1. Looks like waffles are very popular here in the US. No BF is complete without waffles.

  6. Sure , you must have had a good stroll down the street with shops selling artifacts and restaurants, steak houses.
    Looking forward to some pics from the journey into the park.

    1. I know I am taking a long time to post pictures of the park. I am almost there now !

  7. Wow! great sights. I like the antler lamp.

  8. Fabulous images! The place is inviting... and I too like waffle. The antlers arch and hanging light is amazing!

    1. Thank you Jeevan for your visit. Please do keep visiting.

  9. the Chandelier is v. attractive..Is it a pie in that last picture?

    1. Its a waffle Chitra. Delicious item when layered with honey.

  10. Wow that was an amazing trip!
    Beautiful images as always!!

  11. Those waffles are precious, give it to me. Ppppplease..............

  12. Good informational and photographic tour.

  13. I've not been here, so far as I know, although I remember a trip as a teen when we drove through Wyoming...I've heard a lot about Jackson Hole and am grateful for your pictures. Some of the scenery is similar to where our daughter lives in Colorado. The KMart is an anomaly, though! :-)

  14. Me again...I forgot to answer your question: The Villages has three downtowns amidst its 35,000 homes and 80,000 residents. Brownwood was designed to give a 1890s feel. But, that kind of make-believe is hard to achieve. The people that run The Villages add a variety of old artifacts that are real to lend an aura of authenticity to the this old truck. Many of the buildings will have dates such as "1896," even though they were built last week! It's a Disneyland for adults.

  15. The antler gateway is quite something! And the waffles look delicious..........I'd love to taste!

  16. Your breakfast sounds delicious! And your trip sounds fabulous! stunning pics


Puri Reunion - Finale