Sunday, December 30, 2012

West Yellowstone waterfalls

After an adventurous and action packed day we reached West Yellowstone for our night halt of day 3. We checked into Clubhouse Inn where we were given comfortable rooms to rest our weary selves. Then we had dinner at China Town a popular but crowded Chinese Restaurant. In fact there were busloads of Chinese tourists who had been chasing us/preceding us throughout the day during our visits to various tourist spots. These groups also halted at W.Yellowstone. Fortunately we soon could find a table for 4 and settled down comfortably to enjoy out Chinese meal. But soon hordes of Chinese tourists started trooping in. Looked like these guys had not had  decent Chinese food in a long time. Soon large queues had formed and there was a lot of chattering in Mandarin - ordering food and also exchanging notes on the events that transpired that day. Since there were few tables most of them were compelled to carry away food packs. Next morning we got up early and after a quick break fast took off towards West Yellowstone Waterfalls. Enroute we sighted more bison herds and elk groups. We were also fortunate to see a couple of Bald Eagles perched atop a tall pine tree. The waterfalls and the surrounding landscape was spectacular.
Club House Inn where we spent the night
We captured this magnificent beast on the way to W.Yellowstone Falls
Mira breaks into song on arrival at falls area
Directions to Lower & Upper Falls
Distant View of the Falls
Yellowstone River
Closer view of the falls
Yellowstone River
Mother & Daughter happily posing
River above & Falls below
Rock formation at yellowstone basin
The Grand Canyon of  Yellowstone River- Above & below.
The Grand Canyon of  Yellowstone River slices through an ancient hydro thermal basin. The basin developed in rhyolithic lava and ash that flowed into the Yellowstone Caldera about 500,000 years ago. The river carved this spectacular canyon through the hardened lava and welded ash.Hot areas and steam vents still exist here.They allow heat,gases and hot water to escape from the underground Yellowstone volcano.

Family photo at West Yellowstone Falls. Video of the falls below.


  1. You had a fantastic journey for sure. Thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures!!

  2. Such beautiful set of pictures again!

  3. Spectacular scenery! Love your photos of your smiling family.

  4. Wonderful shots from your adventure. Happy New Year ahead.

  5. Breathtaking views ... Am sure u had a lovely vacation !!

  6. must have enjoyed a lot. Beautiful pictures....

  7. Hi Ram! What an interesting journey you are taking us on.I like very much the images of rock and water forms,and the sculptural shapes of dead roots and branches.Thanks for sharing the videos,they really bring the scenery to life!
    Best wishes

  8. Beautiful scenery! I always love to watch rivers! You must be enjoying the tour!

    Happy New Year to you and your family, Ramakrishnan Sir!

  9. Beautiful..I enjoyed the short video clip as well.. Thanks for sharing..Wish you and your wonderful family a very happy new year..

  10. Beautiful & scenic place.
    Wish you Happy and Prosperous New Year!

  11. Beautiful family picture and thanks for sharing a nice video.

    Happy New Year to you and to your family.

  12. Happy New Year Ramakrishnan..
    Shall be active soon...

  13. You had a great time at Yellowstone NP huh?!

  14. Have a lovely new year 2013 to you and your family.


  16. A delightful read, Rama and wish you see more to share more in 2013:)

  17. I'm really impressed with your photos here. What a gorgeous place and you've captured it so well. Thank you!

  18. Thundering falls and great landscapes. Thanks for sharing them.

  19. Wow! that canyon!
    I got to see a few Canyons recently. Here are some pics from a post I put up a few weeks back.


Puri Reunion - Finale