Friday, January 4, 2013

Boise Public Services

Boise Fire Service
A school bus
Boise Police Cars
US Postal Service van
Every house has a mail box carrying a box number for mail pick up and delivery.This mail box bearing No.1177 belongs to my daughter. If the Red Flag  is horizontal it means there is no mail for you. It also means there is no mail to be picked up by the mail van
If the red flag is up this means you have mail. This also means there is mail to be picked up by the mail van.
Pedestrian get right of way in the US.There are pedestrian crossings at all important intersections. If a motorist sees a pedestrian in the zebra he will necessarily stop.
The pedestrian can also stop the traffic to cross the road by pushing a button on the traffic signal pole. The pedestrian crossing light will turn green and the pedestrian can cross conveniently
Garbage Removal Truck -Garbage disposal take place twice a week and the operation is swift and smooth. Garbage is segregated and dumped into different colored bins by owners depending on contents. Such bins are located at suitable points in all localities and owners dispose of their garbage in these bins. Accordingly the segregated garbage is dumped into segregated compartments in the truck.

Garbage Bin being picked up
Garbage being dumped into truck. There is no foul smell emanating either near the garbage bins or from the disposal truck.


  1. Interesting. Being in India, these are new to me.

  2. Happy New year!!
    I liked the idea pedestrian can stop the vehicle..

  3. Good idea to show the city services.

  4. things i take for granted everyone sees/has available. :)

  5. Everything looks neat and clear! The push button and mail box process was interesting. Thanks for taking on a public tour on Boise.

  6. Didn't they ask you why were you taking pictures of police car with its licence plate!!?? Ha ha ...

    1. I took a certain amount of risk while taking this shot. Made sure there were were no cops around.

  7. It is not that we have along way to go. We do not care and that is why we elect such nitwits and scoundrels to run our municipalities and panchayats.

    Cleanliness and civic sense is not a way of life coming after rocket science.

  8. It's always interesting to see what public service vehicles look like in other countries.The blue garbage truck certainly will not be missed!


  9. Undoubtedly informative to a lot of people.
    Absolutely loving the series. :)

  10. I saw this and earlier post and I admit I never thought Boise is such a beautiful place. Thank you for sharing. You have seen so many beautiful places in US and courtesy you, I am motivated to take a road trip this summers.


Puri Reunion - Finale