Saturday, January 17, 2015

Amazing Munnar: Touch Me Not

"Touch Me Not" : Before and after touching !My grand daughter was simply amazed by the magic. When the leaves folded up she first felt a sense of shock.She thought the plant had died. Touch me not used to be commonly found plant when I was a little boy.Now they are seen very rarely. I have been living in Coimbatore for close to 11 years but am yet to sight a "touch me not" plant here. I had to travel all the to Munnar to see one :)
Before Touching
After Touching


  1. Namaste.....
    Oh I remember those, loved them and played with them as a child, they are peppered all over the Island of Trinidad, where am from.

    Love love love them, thanks for bring back the school day memories of play with TOUCHMENOTS.

  2. As a kid, I loved playing with this plant.

  3. I've never heard of this plant! That would be a rather frightening reaction to being touched. Once you know, though, it could offer lots of amusement for the younger set!

  4. know the feeling. As if afraid plant and cowered. Regards.

  5. I too used to see many “touch me not” on roadsides once and had fun touching them. You captured the feel well! I love its flowers.

  6. That's so true. They have become rare because most people consider them "weeds". But even weeds have their own beauty.

  7. we have these over here too. My son loves to play with it.


Puri Reunion - Finale