Tuesday, October 13, 2015

An Expressive Face

Look at the persons face and his expression.What is going on in his mind? What do you think ? Please let me have your views. I shall reveal the real reason after hearing from you all.


  1. I don't know, but he looks very serious.

  2. He looks concerned, maybe a little anxious, or suspicious.

  3. I become nerves. I do not want to stand in front of him. Hope he is just posing for your camera.

  4. Well he just shot himself 😃 It's a selfie !

  5. Tomoko: Dont worry.He only shot a selfie picture of himself with his smartphone :)

  6. He isn't comfortable with taking photos! But he had to pose!

  7. Namaste....
    Expressions can mean anything, but i'd say he's a bit uncomfortable.

  8. Namaste....
    Expressions can mean anything, but i'd say he's a bit uncomfortable.

  9. He seems very serious about taking selfie ☺

  10. I don't know....
    But I agree with Sandhya, he isn't comfortable with taking photos! Me too! Lol!

  11. This man is tough and grim. He has a very serious face and he will not like some one who jokes with him. He is tough task master and he will berate any one who opposes him. He would like people to be disciplined and punctual. He will not like any late comers. He wants people to be well dressed and smart. He wants people to listen to him with rapt attention while he is delivering great speeches on morality, hard work and good behavior. He wants people to stand erect and maintain good balance. He like people who exercise every day. He would like people to eat healthy food and keep away from drinking and smoking.

    Best wishes

  12. Great assessment Joseph ! So comprehensive and detailed. He actually embodies many of the things you have stated !

  13. He's probably thinking -- how on earth do you take these selfies!! And he is probably angry with the lens, too. :

    It's a nice picture, actually.

    I hate selfies. I never get them right. I'm not much of a selfie person either. :)

  14. Thanks for sharing very good and helpful information..!
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  15. It is hard to read what's in his mind, but he sure doesn't look elated. Would be interesting though to know what he has in mind.

  16. Namaste:
    I came by for a visit. I see you haven't published a post since October and this is not like you. I hope all is well with you and your family. I hope you are well.

    Take care,
    Stay blessed

    1. Thanks. I am well and fine.Simply having so many things in hand to do !

  17. Hello Ram!
    Wishing you and yours a Very Happy New Year!
    Warm regards,

  18. Nice blog posts! thanks for the expressive face to get exciting news.
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