Sunday, November 10, 2019

Ahobilam Trek - The final phase

After praying at Jwala Narasimhar Temple we climbed down the myriad steps again. We took a deviation leading to the Malola Narasimhar Temple. A narrow weather beaten boulder laden track with steps at periodical intervals, some rather steep, not regularly used by pilgrims. We were in the cocoon of nature completely isolated with no signs of human life, surrounded by sublime enchanting views. We encountered no rushing streams or gushing waterfalls, no sounds of swaying trees or rustling leaves. The silence was startling and the silhouettes and shadows chasing us were frightening. We trudged along bravely and within an hour we reached Malola Narasimhar an unpretentious non descript structure. The temple was about to close but the priest had been informed about our arrival and was waiting for us. As is usual we offered dry fruits to the Lord which after receiving the Lords blessings were returned to as prasadam.
Malola Temple
 This is yet another cave temple situated on the Vedathiri hills where Ma Lakshmi did penance. Malola means Ma(mother)-Lola(affection).Here Sri Narasimhar strikes an affectionate pose with four hands.He is in sitting position with folded left leg and Chenchu Lakshmi on his lap. The upper hands hold Sanku and Chakram. The lower right hand is in protective pose or Abhaya Hastham while the lower left hand is hugging the Goddess.
From here on wards it was a steep descent down a few dozen steps as we watched the glorious Bhavasini rive meandering below in tranquility. We reached Krodha or Varaha Narasimhar for a second time. But alas our luck was not on our side. The temple was closed once again and we we were not fortunate to receive the Lords blessings. Here the Lord appears with the body of Narasimhar and the head of Varahar and Lakshmi seated on his lap.
We returned to the base at Ahobilam deposited our bamboo sticks and prayed at Ahobilam. Out final stop was at Karanja Narasimhar around 1 Km from Ahobilam. Once again this temple was closed for repairs.
In conclusion this is by far the most amazing and awesome trek ever undertaken. Located in the lush green and dense Nallamala forest in the heart of the Eastern Ghats in Cuddapah district in Rayalaseema in Andhra Pradesh. A precipitous climb in pouring rain through rocky terrain wading through knee deep water in pebble strewn streams & witnessing multiple waterfalls. Reached the pinnacle after the arduous climb actually walking right through a waterfall fully drenched to witness the glorious sights of Jwala Narasimhar, the Ugra Sthambham & the Garudadri hills. An unparalleled, overwhelming,awe inspiring & hugely humbling experience.
Entrance to Karanja Temple


  1. After reading your posts on Ahobilam in graphic details and awesome pictures,my sense of failure and disappointment in having failed to visit these holy shrines
    when relatively young overcomes me.Thanks to you I could get the feel of the places without any dilution.

  2. Thank you KP sir. At 71 years of age I just about made it. Another couple of years and who knows.

  3. Well drafted with key info, Thanks a lot.


Puri Reunion - Finale