Saturday, August 22, 2009

On urgent project


I have been on an urgent project for the past two weeks. I will continue to be away for another 6-8 weeks. Please bear with me as I may not be in a position to add fresh posts. Meanwhile many thanks for the kind, gracious & appreciative comments on my last post: Historical Landmarks of Chennai".

All the best & do forgive me !



  1. Namaste...

    Please take care of yourself and be safe and happy.

    Much success through your endeavors.

  2. Awaiting for your post.Wish you all the best.

  3. Travel safe...will be here when you get back, Blessings and greetings

  4. Namaste...
    Just touching base, hope all is well and you are accomplishing all that is needed for your project.

    Take care and stay blessed.

  5. Take care buddy..

    By the way, I am trying to generate some support for our daughter. I entered her into a Smile Contest, so if you could please vote for her (just once), the contest runs until October 31st. Your vote would be so much appreciated.

    To cast your vote, please go to this link. Please look for Jillian Rylie Cottrill.

    Thank you very much for your help!

  6. Hi there Ram,
    Should be the most spectacular coastal city in India with great history. I'm impressed very much, and can not wait to see this great assortment with my eyes! By the way, I am looking forward to read the upcoming part. Hope you can help us:)

    Of course, career life is essential. With my best wishes for your projects and see you soon back here.


Puri Reunion - Finale