Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hi ! I am back

Thanks for your kind comments, enquiries and patience. I had taken a long break to set up a business venture. The project has now been launched and operational. Some of you were anxious about my health. I am in the pink of health. Thanks for your concern.
Now I am resuming my favourite passion - Blogging. My next post will follow shortly.



  1. Hey Ram Sir,
    How's u... Welcome back... I really missed your valuable comments in my blog. Please do go through the previous posts as well.
    And another matter to tell you. I've started 2 more blogs now.
    Do visit 'em and support 'em as well...
    My new blog on Fashion - FASHION PANACHE
    My Travelogue, Thozhi-Mitr-Friend, Savoir-Faire

  2. Welcome Back Sir :) Missed you soooooo much... and your thought provoking comments.. Hope you are doing well :):)

  3. Nice to see you back sir! :) Welcome back :)

  4. welcome back to the blogging world :) nice to see ur travelogues after a while :)


  5. Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

    Havelock Island


Puri Reunion - Finale