Thursday, September 27, 2012

Durga Temple Aihole - Day 2

After our tea break on the highway we headed straight for the Aihole Temple Complex located around 120 Kms from Hospet. We eagerly and enthusiastically alighted at the complex which is under the management of ASI. We were fortunate that Mr.Satyamurthy retired Superintendent of ASI and a renowned archaeologist was leading our group on day 2. We were mesmerized by the beautiful sight that greeted us on entry.
Aihole occupies a unique place in the history of Temple Architecture in India.It was the experimenting ground of the early Chalukya Kings: 450-750 AD.Within the early fortification alone there are 50 temples and 50 more outside.Most of these are Vaishnava Temples converted later to Saivite Temples.
 The Durga Temple: We began with a visit to the Durga Temple. The name "Durga" refers to a fort, not to the goddess; apparently at one time the building was used as a military outpost (durg). It is not known to which deity the temple was originally dedicated.Durga temple or fortress temple is the best known of the Aihole temples and is very photogenic. It is apsidal in plan, along the lines of a Buddhist chaitya, a high moulded adisthana and a tower - curvilinear shikhara. A pillared corridor runs around the temple, enveloping the shrine, the mukhamantapa and the sabhamantapa. All through the temple, there are exquisite and incredibly beautiful sculptures. The temple appears to be of the late 7th or early 8th century.


  1. Wow....Though I had seen this place...your photos made me to see it thoroughly . Thanks a lot Sir.

  2. The last shot is particularly well composed. In the first shot I would crop the gate out on the right hand side of the picture! Just thought I would share this with you.

  3. Iam so happy to see that the place is well maintained...

  4. Wonderful pictures yet again! So, is there no presiding deity in this temple now ?

  5. i love that rounded temple! once again, the carvings are so ornate.

  6. The carvings are in good condition their age. Lovely photos, Ram!

  7. *considering* their age...

  8. Hi Ram! It’s great to be back and enjoy your posts!!
    Fabulous temple!!

    Blogtrotter Two is now in Dominica. Enjoy the rain and have a great week!

  9. I like seeing the detail of these ancient temples...really nice

  10. Wonderful to be seeing all this beautiful architecture and these magnificent sculptures.They have endured well the test of time....perhaps because of the climate!

    Happy weekend!

  11. Spell bound.Amazing sculptures, a real feast to the eye.Never knew of this place when I had been to Hampi and Tungabadra

  12. Oh wow! Missed it this time while visiting Hampi. Next time for sure! Lovely post!


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  14. Fantastic artistry! And they did it all without computers! Amazing!

    Love all the greenery here, too.

    Re your comment on The Villages: There are 2 downtowns, Spanish Springs and Lake Sumter Landing. Both have "market squares" with gazebos. Every night of the year, weather permitting, live music is presented free at both squares and there are bars where you can buy drinks 2 for 1 from 5 to 7 pm.

    The Villages now has 80,000 people and is new folks are moving in every day. Another new "downtown" is in process of being built.

    The Villages has been called (by me) a Disneyland for adults!

  15. Wow....a truly fascinating place. Thank you so much for sharing.

  16. Such a quiet temple with rich artworks.... Love to be there one day...

  17. that's it, I am officially jealous of your Indian adventures Ram!! When can I tag along?!

  18. Exceptionally beautiful pictures with detailed info. I have been longing to visit Aihole for over three decades. Thanks to you for this exceptionally wonderful post for an exceptional edifice.

  19. Wonderful shots of a beautiful place.

  20. When you think back to the time this temple was built, it was very work labor for the craftsmen.We look and say, "Isn't that great!" and it certainly is....however, I cringe to think of what many people working in that yesteryear suffered to give pleasure to others they would never meet and never know. Great photography!

  21. I have never heard of this temple. My cousin in in Hospet and so have visited Hampi, but nobody hinted about this beautiful temple. Will visit next time. Thanks for the beautiful pictures and the detailed information.

  22. Wonderful shots. I had been here as a kid, I need to revisit this temple.

  23. Those sculptures are very unique,beautiful and in good conservation. And there are some statues with some arms or 1000 arms in japan,too.
    Thank you for a nice tour with you.
    Have a nice week!

  24. the pictures look carved out of your camera.. the lines are so clear and etched! Thanks for this RR.


  25. Brilliant shots of the beautiful temple. The architectures look marvellous.

  26. Thankyou Ramu for the lovely writeup and fantastic pictures.Eagerly waiting to see these places.


Nishe Sangeet