Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hampi Tour - Art & Architecture

Hampi Tour Day 1 Continued:
Art & Architecture: "Since its inception under the rulers of this dynasty, the capital city Vijayanagara (Hampi & surrounding villages) witnessed a great spurt in the architecture of a religious,secular and defense nature of colossal proportions and set in tune with rugged and rustic environment.A few hillocks in the valley are identified with Kishkinta,Anjanadari,Matanga,Malayavantha, Rushyamukha, Hemakutha and Ratnakutha of the epic Ramayana times and form the backdrop of the Vijayanagara architects venture. Time speed & spatial organization were the hallmark of their architectural style. This led to the minutest creations of the thumb nail sized Ganesha(in ivory) to mega sculptural representations of Lakshmi Narasimha to large temple complexes like Pattabhirama & Vittala." ( Narrative has been taken from plaques in the ASI gallery)
Here are some more pics taken at the ASI Gallery:
Model of the Hampi ruins - see the solid fortifications all around the town
The Tungabhadra river flowing through the heart of the city  - This river was the lifeline of the Empire
Gymnastic stone - head is inserted through the opening and the stone is lifted on the shoulder
Krishna Deva Raya: Born to Narasa Nayaka and Nagaji Amma of the Tuluva Dynasty,Krishna Deva Raya succeeded to the throne on 8 August,1509 AD and ruled till 1529 AD. He had two Queens - Chinnadevi & Tirumaladevi. He was a great warrior and made extensive conquests and expanded the empire.He consolidated this with a string of sound and benevolent administrative measures.He encouraged literature and patronized writers and poets. He also built many temples, gopurams and other structures.His reign constituted the golden period of the Vijayanagara Empire.
Portugese travellor Domingo Paes(1520-1522) has described him as follows: This King is medium height and fair complexion and good figure, rather fat than thin.He has on his face signs of small pox.He is the most feared and perfect King that could possibly be. Cheerful of disposition and very merry, he is one that seeks to honor foreigners and receives them kindly,asking them about all their affairs.He is a great ruler and a man of justice but subject to sudden fits of rage and this is his title: "Crisnarao Macacao" ,King of Kings, Lord of the greater Lords of India, Lord of the three seas and of the land....." ( Narratives are from plaques in the ASI Gallery).

Please also visit:

Hampi Tour - Day 1

Rhesus Monkeys at Virupaksha Temple-Hampi

Fortune Tellers at Hampi


  1. Fabulous captures of the architectures.

  2. Hampi is a special place. I never get bored of it! I have been trying to post an article and never happened. Do they aloow phtography inside the museum or did your REACH group had special permission?

  3. @Kusum: Photography is not normally allowed inside the museum. However since we were accompanied by ASI Superintendent we could take pictures unhindered :)

  4. Being an architect myself, I have visited Hampi, but the actual site and not the museum. So, there was something new for me!

  5. I wonder if the sculptures in northern India, where I will be traveling in November, are the same as those in southern India.

  6. That Gymnastic weight is very interesting. We could still use that :)

  7. beautiful photos and nice info

    thanks for sharing

  8. A beautiful historical Tour indeed!That period is considered as 'Rama Rajya' or golden period. Looking forward to more pictures of the era.Thanks RR!


  9. I love this set. This is why people should go to museums, there's a glimpse of the artistic past that people don't get out of mere words.

  10. WOW!! Once again you have allowed us to see things many in the world knows nothing about. The history is interesting but the stone art is simply amazing!! As always, thank you for sharing my friend.

  11. I remember this museum, a treasure house! But people hardly visit. I saw lot of school children there.

  12. Very interesting post and good shots.

  13. Glad you've shown many images,they are all so interesting and informative. Weight lifting with a stone collar could be a new Olympic event!
    Have a good weekend,



Puri Reunion - Finale