Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What I love about Boise

I love to wake up leisurely around 8.00 am. and laze around in bed  till I get my bed coffee: steaming hot Starbucks coffee ( it is called Latte in these parts - expresso coffee mixed with steaming milk). I savour and enjoy my morning cofee and take at least 20 mts to complete this pleasurable ritual and no one can persuade me to rush through this .
 I love my grand daughter Mira's hugs. She gets dressed, finishes her breakfast & and before her departure for school she gives warm  hugs to "thatha"(that's me) and patti (my wife Shobha).
 I love to check my mail and my blogs for new comments,send replies and publish new posts.
I love my breakfast -  BF menu is generally Granola+cold milk and English muffin with marmalade topped of with a glass of juice - choice of cranberry,orange,grapefruit,apple. Followed by more coffee or tea. On other days when the batter is ready we have idlis or dosas with sambar/chutney or Adai with vellam/ghee/butter.
I love the splendid weather here. Daytime temperatures  hovers around 65 degree F here, sun shines nice and bright, sometimes a few scattered clouds.The weather conditions are most conducive for walking.
I love the people here: they are industrious  and do all the household chores themselves - drive their own cars,vacuum their houses,wash their clothes,water their gardens,mow their lawns,cut their their trees,clip their hedges,splinter their wood.
I love the Supermarkets here - Fred Mayer, Home Depot, Ross -  Dress For Less,Sierra Trading Depot. They are all huge,immense,sprawling and well stocked. The aisles are long and wide and negotiating carts is easy. I love the carts here - they have car shaped kid friendly carts with steering wheels and they also have battery operated self steered carts for the physically disabled persons.
I love the tree lined roads, avenues, streets, lanes lined with  pine,fir, cherry,maple,weeping willows and many others. The trees shimmer and shine in there pristine glory.
 I simply love the fall colours. I can actually see the colours changing from green to yellow, flaming yellow,golden, burgundy, orange. I see the changes every day. Autumn is a glorious season.
Evergreen Enchanting Pine tree
A house with wooden fencing for backyard & electrically operated garage door
I love my morning walks and would not trade my walk for anything under the sky. During walks I am invariably greeted by neighbours & strangers - Hey I haven't seen you before, Are you new here, You are welcome to Boise, Enjoy your visit here, The weather is glorious, Hi There, Good Morning. This morning I met a guy called Bill at a pedestrian crossing. After the initial salutations the conversation continued and went on for more than 20 mts covering a range of topics.We spoke about the Presidential debate in America and corruption in India...........
Posted here are some pics taken during my morning walks. These clicked during first week of October. The trees are still largely green. Some have started turning yellow:

Weeping willow
Trees & Lawn at the entrance to my daughters house
A Cul de Sac - where vehicles can easily turn around
A Mormon Church in Boise
Drab and dry hills devoid of vegetation present a captivating view
Deer grazing & resting peacefully in front the Idaho Fish & Game Staff Offices - The deer move around undisturbed in the parks.

Beautiful Timber House - open architecture with no fencing in the front

Early Fall colours - pIcs taken early October hence predominantly green colours


  1. i do believe you and your wife might have to stay! :) it is nice to hear about part of the US through a visitor's eyes. some of these conveniences we tend to take for granted. :)

    1. Thanks TWG. Love to be here for longer period. But have to leave by end October due to priorities back home in India.

  2. It's interesting for me to see the west through your eyes. I've never been to Boise, but I've heard it's a lovely city. Your daughter has a beautiful home. It must be difficult for her and for you and your wife to have her living so far away. But a trip to visit her is a real adventure!

    1. Thanks Janie. You are right,this visit is indeed an adventure.

  3. You are having a fantastic visit, and part of it is due to your warm, outgoing personality and your natural curiosity. I'm so glad to hear the visit is going well. When will they visit you in India?

  4. Ah fall colours! Enjoy the rest of your stay. :)

  5. Enjoy your vacations and we are enjoying your posts!

  6. Seeing the wonderful images you have posted, can understand why you are in love with Boise! Have fun!!

  7. Great shots of the place. Calm and peaceful.

  8. I love this running commentary from you in the USA.
    What makes me so good about these places is the cleanliness , and care they take to keep surroundings clean. It is effortless but perhaps our culture designates less priority or importance to a pretty and clean neighborhood.
    have a good time with your kids and grand child.

    1. Thanks Anil for closely following my posts and sharing your eloquent thoughts.

  9. Great pictures, and getting a morning hug from your granddaughter, lovely.

    1. The hugs make our day. And when Mira returns from school in the evening there is another round of hugs :)

  10. Love the life you live... and Live the life you love!

  11. Lovely neighborhood! I can see why you love it there. I probably will never have a chance to see Boise, so your photos are appreciated.

  12. wow...such a clean and beautiful place....

    1. Yes Ashok - immaculately and meticulously clean country !

  13. Wow just love the pictures n amazed to see deers roaming... Hope u r enjoying ur days there...

    1. Thank you Akila. Yes we are having a fabulous time. But our trip here concludes on 29th when we fly back to India :(

  14. I'm glad you are enjoying it there. I love the shots of the deer.

  15. Great photos. I can see why you love this place. Love the deer!

  16. That is a wonderful collection of Boise shots. I'd suggest, however, that you might not like Boise so much when the snows start to fly and then you will want to get yourself down here to Florida. It will be 65-75 degrees in January! :-)

    1. Thanks Lowell. But I am getting out of Boise by month end & flying back to India. But shall keep your Florida offer in mind for future reference. Regards Ram

  17. Beautiful tree lined streets, green lawns and deer! I enjoy reading about your experiences, sounds like you're having a wonderful time visiting family.

  18. Thank You Diane. Yes we are having a swell time.

  19. I love the way you describe your morning ritual in Boise. It's so relaxing even on text. And I enjoyed the wildlife scenery from your prev ious post. Beautiful burbs. :)

  20. Ram,you illustrate life in Boise brilliantly,sounds like the ideal American town!


    1. Ruby,
      Now that you mention this you could be right.Boise is a nice small lazy laidback town with tremedous natural beauty, wonderful climate & splendidly warm people :) Regards Ram

  21. Beautiful photos!
    Looks like a wonderful place.

  22. Your adventures are making me envious of you. The pohotographs are fantastic and speak for themselves.


Nishe Sangeet