Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Coimbatore: Garbage Dump in VIP Area

I have been visiting the Sringeri Saradambal Temple(off Race Course Road) in Coimbatore for the past 11 years. The entrance road has always been neat & clean.Of late,specially during the past few months,I have observed garbage being being indiscriminately dumped on the radial road connecting Race Course Rd & the office of Directorate of health Services.The Saradambal Temple is also located here.The adjacent campus happens to be the residence of the Collector of Coimbatore.Many well known industrialists,politicians and other well known Coimbatoreans live on Race Course Road thus making this a VIP area.
There is a garbage bin placed on this radial  road which is invariably overflowing and one can see garbage  lying all around the bin presenting an ugly picture.The bin is placed just next to the pink compound wall of the Collectors residence. As you walk  into the radial road you reach the entrance gates of the Saradambal Temple to your left and another gate leading straight into the Directorate of Health Services.Inside the Health Services campus you can see another unpleasant sight.There is another garbage dump yard around a beaitiful tree here right besides the Varasiidi Vinayakar Temple.Do people who live in high places really care about hygiene? Who is really responsible for creating this unholy,ungodly,uncivil & unhealthy mess ?
Entrance Gate from Race Course Road into the radial road- leads to Saradambal Temple & Joint Director Health Services - Can you see the Garbage Bin ?
Sign Board on Race Course Road entrance gate: Preventive Medicine - Chief Water Analyst
Garbage Bin and garbage strewn all around - behind is the pink wall abutting Collectors Bungalow
Close up view of the Garbage and wall of Collectors Bungalow - Below is a view from the Saradambal temple ie.exit from the radial road into the Race Course Road
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The Joint Directors Office and the Varasiddi Vinayakar Temple located in the campus
Garbage dumped around a tree next to the temple inside the campus of the Directorate of Health Services
Entrance to Joint Directors Office

Entrance Gates to Saradambal Temple(Facing) and to Health Services(to right)


  1. Such indifference. Funny thing is, people don't even throw the garbage inside the bin. The area is not cleared by the corporation. These hi fi people must be crossing this road all the time. Don't they get irritated?

  2. so very sad. even in the country, we have folks who will dump garbage, old tires, old furniture along the roadside.

  3. The one comforting thought is that garbage heaps do not discriminate.Be you high or low,holy or otherwise,they will occupy all spaces..The main problem in all cities is irregular collection by inept municipal authorities and utter lack of civic sense of the citizens..

  4. Usually VIP areas used to pretty neat, but the condition there seems to inverse. The environment there is quiet and calm and green, wish it could have been clean as well.

  5. That much litter and debris is sad. Who will take responsibility to clean it up and keep it from continuing?

  6. Oh my!!!!! Department of Health Services and all those garbage. Something's terribly wrong here.

  7. Disgusting! It's high time things should change.

  8. Ram,
    I know where the Water Analysis lab was and my friend's dad was the Chief Scientist over there. I also remember Saradhaambaal temple, very well. We lived in Race Course colony when appa taught at the Arts College.
    What a lovely walk down memory lane!

    I am saddened to see the rubbish piled along the street. It didn't always used to be like that. Race Course was a pristine.

    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

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