Saturday, February 7, 2015

Incredible Munnar - Drive around Mattupetty Reservoir

At Mattupetty Mira (my grand daughter) went horse riding and had ice cream.We strolled around in the lovely sunshine,visited the many curio shops,clicked many pictures and walked across the the top of dam to cross over and into our taxi to proceed to the next destination. These are some of the captivating lush green landscapes we encountered enroute to the speed boat jetty..
Many song and dance sequences of Kollywood (Tamil films) are shot at these locations


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. My guide mentioned that this might as well be the "Sound of Music" hills, and I completely agree. Just captivating undulating, rolling hills.

  3. such beautiful terrain! lovely green rolling hills.

  4. lush lush lushhhhh! green! amazing :D :D

  5. What a lovely location for Tamil music. May be, the song - "Malayoram Mayilae, vilayaadum kuyilae", is appropriate :)
    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  6. So beautiful and serene, thanks so much for sharing.

  7. Namaste.....
    such lovely lush greenery...
    thank you for sharing the blessing.

  8. Hello Ram, greetings and good wishes.

    Breathtaking photos. Your photographic skills are fantastic. The way you have presented the greenery is out of the world. It would have been a wonderful experience to be there and breathe in the pure fresh air. Once in a way it is good to be far way from the madding crowd of the cities.

    Best wishes.

  9. The landscape is so lush and vibrant Ram . Hope you had a great time :)

  10. I feel like visiting this place at once..! But, I can't .. till I do so.. let me soak into this beauty.. Thanks RK..!

  11. Beautiful landscape. Perfect for movie dance sequences.

  12. awesome landscape and greenery!! inviting shots


Puri Reunion - Finale