Thursday, March 12, 2015

Chennai Government Museum - Hindu Gods Gallery - Part 3

This is the third in the series of Hindu Gods and Goddesses.I was the only person who was not stopped on my tracks and asked to produce the camera ticket. That was because I was clicking confidently.There were others who were trying to take pictures too but clandestinely.They were warned not to click unless they had tickets.They hurriedly stowed away their smart phones into their pockets.
If you have not visited this gallery you have missed something incredible in Chennai.The workmanship is incredible and astonishing especially that of Dakshinamurthy - look at the tree under which he is seated and the intricate head gear !
Dakshinamurthy - A form of Siva as Teacher or Guru
A dragon
A model temple
Maha Vishnu
Dwarpals or Gate keepers ?
Dakshinamurthy (Guru or Teacher)-a form of Siva


  1. It's so nice to see a little gopuram there. :)
    Great exhibits.

  2. so that makes it sound like you didn't actually have a camera ticket. :)

    1. Ha ha ! But I did have a camera ticket and hence had had nothing to fear :)

  3. Amazing works of art. Your blog makes a very valuable contribution towards presenting these to the world.

  4. Now, I must visit this museum to see all these beautiful gods! Thank you, Ramakrishnan!

    1. Fortunately when I visited there was not much crowd and it was quiet & peaceful. Sometimes school children come in hordes make a lot of noise and disturb the harmony and equilibrium.

  5. Hello Ram, greetings and good wishes.

    Amazing photos. This museum is a treasure trove. The sculptures are fantastic and they depict very clearly our rich heritage and culture. Surely this is a place I must visit when I go to Chennai next time.

    Best wishes

  6. Namaste....
    love the sculptures, here's a weird question, do they clean them? Am asking because i can see loss of definition due to dust, i kept thinking oh if they clean that I would see it better, the tiny sculpt pieces in between the larger parts that would give the whole piece and entirely new form. I even click to get a larger and better perspective. oh well they are amazing none the less

  7. Hi RP: These sculptures belong to the period 9-16 th century.They were probably originally installed in some temples but later during Muslim invasions of India many temples were destroyed and idols lost for centuries. They have been unearthed again during archaeological excavations during 20 th Century. These must have been eroded during the period they have remained underground.

  8. i want to visit the government museum for very long time... Great photos


Puri Reunion - Finale