Sunday, December 21, 2014

Udumalpet to Chinnar

Pictures clicked on the Udumalpet - Chinnar Wild Life Sanctuary road. The road was narrow,patchy and had a small gradient as we ascended gradually towards Chinnar. Exotic plants, breathtaking waterfalls dense green vegetation and panoramic views came our way. We were fortunate to sight a lone tusker about 50 yards from the road. He must have strayed from the herd in search of food.


  1. Hi! reading your interesting blog & enjoying! Please visit mine & let me know if I could be of any help to you, your readers or family & friends. Happy blogging!

  2. THat was nice. Sent me back to the past driving down the same road to Munnar

  3. This is one of the road/routes I wish to take for long leading all way to Munnar.
    Excellent shots! Pretty nature and wild

  4. Wow. I did a road trip similar to that from Bangalore to Munnar and saw wildlife too while I was ona bus. Really just spectacular experience. :) And those elephants look beautiful

  5. such beautiful territory! neat to see the elephant!


Puri Reunion - Finale