Monday, September 14, 2015

Millet or Ragi Dosa

Health Benefits:
Some of the best health benefits of millet include its ability to protect your heart, protect yourself from diabetes, improve your digestive system, lower your risk of cancer, detoxify the body, boost respiratory health, optimize your immune system, increase your energy levels, and improve your muscle and nerve health.
 Although there are many different varieties of millet grown around the world, the most commonyl cultivated is Pennisetum glaucum, also known as pearl millet.  In terms of history, millet likely originated in Africa, but then spread through Asia and the Middle East as early as 10,000 years ago, as it seems that millet was already quite spread out by that point in ancient history. Their reliability to survive harsh conditions made them the perfect crop, and they are still preferred for that reason today.
These small grain plants are primarily produced in India, who cultivates over 8 million tons every years, followed by a number of larger African countries and China.Millet can be used as a traditional cereal, but can also be used in porridge, snacks, and other breads, as it is very high in starch, like most other grains. Millet is also a very good source of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and organic compounds that can significantly boost human health in various ways.Millet is gluten-free, so Celiac sufferers can turn to millet as their source of grains, instead of wheat. In terms of basic food staples that are praised as the simplest and most valuable additions to diets around the world, millet provides the most energy, as well as the most fat and B-vitamins.

Dosa made from Millet is not only healthy but very tasty too:

Method: Mix finely powdered millet and rice in equal ratio.Add finely chopped onions & green chilies and nicely minced coriander leaves & curry leaves and make the batter. Salt to requirement. The dosa to be made in a non stick pan. Eat with a variety of chutneys. Awesome !
Millet Atta - readily vailable in supermarket
The Millet Dosa Batter
Dosa frying on the pan
Ready to eat dosa


  1. I do it often at home! Family has got used to it now! I make kudiraivaali pongal, thinai vella paayasam etc. too...very tasty!

    Your picture post, step by step is nice!

  2. We also started to use millet in place of rice as much possible... and I like pongal made of saamai and kudiraivaali.

  3. Just the other day hubby and I were talking about bringing this item to our dining table. I've never made Ragi Dosa so I could use your recipe. I found another nice recipe in Rachnas food blog, if you are interested. I'm definitely going to use both your recipes, soon.

    Thank you.

  4. Enjoy the ragi dosai ! Please do send me Rachnas food blog site.

  5. Healthy and tasty stuff.
    I feel motivated to make this.

  6. This looks very interesting - as food and as beautiful design created by bubbles!


  7. Sounds delicious!
    Thanks for the recipe, Ram.
    Peace :)

  8. When ragi dosa was first made at home it was looked at with suspicion and contempt. Now it is a super hit and the complaint is that it isn't made frequently enough 😃

  9. Dear Ram. i really like your new series here, of healthy food remedies and recipes! Keep it coming! I'll try the millet - sounds great! Happy weekend to you!


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