Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Power of Turmeric

THE POWER OF TURMERIC: A few days ago I woke up to find a marble size absces on my right lower chin. My initial reaction was to go see a doctor.He would have probably prescribed an antibiotic for three days along with anti inflammatory & antacid tablets. That would have made the absces disappear but also considerably disturbed my digestive system.
Instead I decided to turn to an age old Hindu practice of applying turmeric.Turmeric is said to possess anti septic anti inflammatory as well as curative properties. Applied turmeric paste for two nights consecutively and the abscess has considerably reduced in size.Probably should disappear completely by tomorrow.
Turmeric has been used successfully by Hindu practitioners ever since the Vedic period and now being rediscovered all over again by western scientists. They have been even trying to patent this. Anyway I saved around Rs.500/- by not going to a doctor ! Did I do the right thing ?


  1. Good to hear that! I do not have enough knowledge about any medicines, but I see that powder turmeric are sold at supermarkets and pharmacies here in Japan. I think they have to be household medicines in case abnormal symptoms in physical health? You did right thing!

  2. Absolutely! The turmeric is a great healer of abscess or any kind of skin problem. I too bear abscess on face once in awhile and so far I have used only turmeric.

  3. Certainly magical powers of turmeric are helping.

  4. You did the right thing, Ramakrishnan! Turmeric has got many medicinal properties!

  5. I am glad you are well, Ram!
    I did not know that turmeric has a great medicinal properties and healer! Thanks for let me know about it!

    Thank you so much for your very nice congratulations to Sofia! :)

  6. Hello greetings and good wishes.

    Very useful information. I remember my mother applying turmeric paste when I had swelling on my feet after playing football.After a couple of days the swelling disappeared. Turmeric surely has magical properties.
    Many thanks for taking the time to write an interesting and detailed comment on my blog.
    Best wishes

  7. Turmeric has so much healing properties.You did the right thing.

  8. I take turmeric capsules as its curcumin active ingredient is considered anti- inflammatory and even anti- cancerous. Besides, it has beneficial digestive properties. Turmeric is being widely researched, and the results seem to be very promising. You certainly did the right thing.

  9. Absolutely, sounds great! I have read lots about the powers of turmeric and use it often in the kitchen. Must try a paste too! Thanks for your lovely comment - and happy healthy weekend to you!

  10. Thank you all for wholly supporting this traditional treatment. Let me now update you with the progress.I applied turmeric paste for another 2-3 nights. Now the swelling has completely subsided.The absces has fully healed. I have totally triumphed with the turmeric treatment !

  11. O yes, you did the perfect thing! My mother always advises me to inculcate turmeric too -- in several innovative ways... like warm milk to keep sore throat and other infections away. Turmeric is a timeless medicine with great healing powers proved since ages.

  12. Yes Arti whenever I have an infected throat I do two things: Frequently gargle with warm salt water and drink hot milk mixed with turmeric at night. In 2-3 days my throat would be fine.


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