Thursday, January 30, 2014

Big Temple Thanjavur Part 3 - Amazing Sculptures

A "bootha gana" or fat bellied dwarf playing flute supporting the water spout on his head - You can also see the 1000 year old writing on the stone wall on either side of the dwarf.
The water spout to channelize the holy "abhishekam" water & other fluids from the sanctum into a large trough. Abhishekam is the process of bathing the deity; It may be "simple" by just using holy water or "elaborate" when it includes milk, curds, honey, ghee, sugar, coconut water, sandal paste, fruit juice, viboothi, kunkumam,panchamiritham, oil etc
Sculptures on either side of stone steps leading to various sanctums - Above & below.
"Yaali" is a mythical creature in Hindu mythology

To see previous posts in this series you may log on to:

Big Temple-Thanjavur

Big Temple - Thanjavur Part 2


  1. Rama, have enjoyed the Bharat darshan and Duniya darshan thro' your lovely blog:)

  2. Oh wow, they are amazing sculptures! Wonderful photos, thanks for sharing. Have a happy day!

  3. just above the steps in the 3rd photo we have the statue of the hatted european

    1. Yes that is right. Thanks Anonymous. How about disclosing your identity :) Were you part of the group ?

  4. Beautiful sculptures and you have captured their beauty very well, Ram! I had been there, but didn't notice these important sculptures. Thank you!

  5. details well captured RK...Its been years since I visited. Hope to visit someday soon...

  6. i really like that elephant, so much beautiful detail

  7. These scuöptures are really amazing - i love the elephant most - makes me want to paint one! Have a very happy weekend Ram!

  8. These ancient sculptures are amazing, ans so beautiful.

  9. Thank you for taking us on this fascinating temple tour.These old buildings have a lot to put up with in modern times! The colours of the stone in building and sculpture are really beautiful.

    Best wishes.

  10. Wspaniałe rzeźby, jest co podziwiać. Pozdrawiam.
    Great sculptures, is something to admire. Yours.

  11. Wonderful series! Love the elephant especially.

  12. Wow! What an amazing sculptures! Wonderful photos!
    I would love to visit your fabulous country!
    Thanks for sharing.

  13. This is one place that I don't mind visiting any number of times. I have done so already twice. Great captures.. I liked the other parts of the Thanjavur episode too.


Puri Reunion - Finale