Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Snow in Boise

Boise is the capital and most populous city of the U.S.State of Idaho as well as the county seat of Ada County. Located on the Boise River, it anchors the Boise-Nampa Metropolitan area and is the largest city between Salt Lake City and Portland.As of the 2010 census, the population of Boise was 205,671. It is also the 99th largest city in the U.S. by population.
My daughter Bhavana lives in Boise along with her husband Rohit and two charming daughters Mira aged 7 years and Nandita aged 3 months. In December they had heavy snowfall and I am posting some pictures snowfall in and around my daughters house there. Boise had received some of the heaviest snowfall of recent times.


  1. I had no idea Boise was that large, 99th in rank. Your photos show that it still has a bit of small-town atmosphere, though.

  2. We too are seeing extreme weather. Yesterday our temperatures reached coldest levels in history. Wish I could photograph our snow as well as you did Boise. By the time I can bear to go out with my camera the snow will have melted:)

  3. Adorable pictures and so beautiful winter scenery, I love snow and in my place I'm still waiting to see some snow.Thanks for sharing your pictures, you have such a beautiful blog here! Congrats!

  4. great snow shots and i saw on our news yesterday that more than half of the USA had negative temps, which is a record breaker. snow and ice every where... hope all is well with you daughter and family.

    1. Thanks for your concern Sandra. Yes they are fine. Its mostly snow and no ice.No snow in January'14 though.

  5. The snow always looks so pretty Ram, but living in a warm climate I can't even begin to imagine the temperatures being experienced over there.

  6. Τι υπέροχες εικόνες!!! Μοιάζει με παραμύθι!!!
    Να έχεις μια ευτυχισμένη χρονιά, με υγεία και ευτυχία με τα παιδιά και τα εγγόνια σου!
    Πολλούς χαιρετισμούς

  7. I have enjoyed all of your photos of Boise! It doesn't surprise me, though, that Boise can get a lot of snow. I find these pictures and the snow lovely to look at, but not in person! :))

  8. Beautiful photographs! So, it was a 'white christmas'?! The fourth picture is very very beautiful!

  9. Nice snow pictures.....good post again.

  10. I imagine the kids enjoyed getting out to play -- looks to be with all of the footprints! :)

  11. You DO have snow pics; wasn't I just wondering that? Google will turn them into gifs!

    Boise has a lot of snow right now, that's for sure. We don't have any in western Oregon.

  12. I hope the weather is settling down and they are spared the worst of the current bad weather.

  13. Wow! What a gorgeous pictures!
    Boise looks a wonderful place!
    Congratulations to your new grandddaughter Nandita! :)

  14. I absolutely love your snow photos, and congratulations on your new granddaughter! It is very cold, windy and there is ice everywhere here in Montreal, making a short walk a dangerous thing.

  15. It is worse in many places.A friend of mine is stuck midway from Chicago to her place.The roads are full of vehicles covered in snow along the sides.They are inching at 15 miles per hour.The snow storm with chill wind is the worst in the recent years.Flights are affected and schools in some parts closed.Pretty scary

  16. I am waiting for snow comes here for three years!

  17. I am sure that today was really bad weather...Michelle

  18. Snow rarely comes around here, maybe twice every three years. We still got some cold weather from the winter storm.

  19. Wow..Superlike for all the pics..The snow white is always beautiful :-)

  20. I see part of your heart is in Boise....some thick snow there

  21. Whoa! So much snow!
    May be one can make a snowman.

  22. I love snow but a freezing weather I am not too fond of. Regardless, the photos here could inspire poetry. :)

  23. The white snow makes around so prettier! thanks for sharing


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