Wednesday, January 8, 2014

USA Freezes

This is the Headline News in newspapers in India: US freezes, New York temp plunges to 118 year low.Lake Michigan has frozen and Chicago is being called Chiberia - temperatures nosedived to -26 degree Celsius making it colder than South Pole in Antarctica(-23) and Novosibirsk in Siberia(-21). Anana the lone Polar bear in Chicago's Lincoln Park zoo has been moved to a climate controlled environment. More than 4300 US Flights were cancelled on Monday and 6500 were delayed.Schools were closed and residents were warned to remain indoors. Indianapolis has banned driving except in emergencies.(Pictures taken from the web)
Images of Frozen Lake Michigan


  1. Impressive winter there, never saw something like that!
    Here in Belgium we are still waiting for some snow!

  2. Chiberia? I like that name. Yep it sure is cold this year around the Great Lakes. Look at those icicles - it's like Canada. ;))

  3. this is true in a lot of our states... but i am blessed to live in Florida where we have our normal temps... we had two days of 42 f for low and are headed back to 70's and 80's over the next two days but i have seen all this on TV and all the snow and ice has done much damage .

  4. yesterday, all 50 states - even hawaii - were reported to have temperatures below freezing in some area.

  5. Wow we made the headlines there too. It has been rough to be this col but starting today, we in Georgia will get back to normal

  6. I saw the second pic in new paper today. Good I am in India.

  7. Yes, it has been a very cold year all over the US. Living in Bay Area, I can't complain, but I do feel for the rest of the country. Freezing conditions are very harsh, I know from the little we faced in Dallas, TX earlier.

  8. Widok na zdjęciach i zdjęcia piękne, ale nie zazdroszczę mrozu, który z pewnością jest. Pozdrawiam.
    View the pictures and images of beautiful, but I do not envy frost, which certainly is. Yours

  9. It must be very difficult for the people to survive there in this climate. Most of the people I know are work, no school... Hope the temperature becomes normal soon.

  10. It must be thrilling to see it in real!
    I am freezing by just seeing the pics. :)

  11. Very scary indeed Ram.. I think I might not complain about our very hot weekend coming up :)

  12. Yeah besides Hawaii and parts of Florida, pretty much every US state had some extreme cold. We didn't get snow, but it was so cold you could hardly stand about 10 minutes outside


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